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Sunday 2 May 2010

The Calling of the Anemoi


Come, come to me from the four winds of the world, air-transversing, great god.

Face the East, trace the invoking pentagram of air and intone the name of the eastern wind, ΕΥΡΟΣ. He shall appear him as a young and slender man, his black hair blowing in the wind, surrounded by clouds of rain darkening the eastern horizon. Feel a warm wind coming from his direction.

Face the North, trace the invoking pentagram of air and intone the name of the northern wind, ΒΟΡΕΑΣ. He shall appear as a very strong winged old man, with shabby hair and beard, forcefully descending from dark winter clouds in a violent temper. Feel a strong and cold wind coming from his direction.

Face the West, trace the invoking pentagram of air and intone the name of the western wind, ΖΕΦΥΡΟΣ. He shall appear as a handsome young man, gently descending from a beautiful spring sunset. Feel a soft wind bring with it the smells of blossoming flowers.

Face the South, trace the invoking pentagram of air and intone the name of the southern wind, ΝΟΤΕΑΣ. He shall appear as a bearded man, drenched in sweat, descending from a violent late-summer storm with dark clouds slowly swallowing up the sun. Feel a hot wind coming from his direction.

Face the Sun and gaze into the air of the horizon feeling, hearing and seeing the Anemoi.

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