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Friday, 28 October 2011

Concerning the Ekstasis of Ritual Epiphany

The experienced essence of gnostic ekstasis for the Magos does not require erratic possession and the delusion of power. The mageia of the Kosmos, when in alignment with the Daimon, will most likely bring forth a revelation through epiphany. However, the dance of this epiphany shall and will dance as the Magos desires through his ritual gestures. All is a pilgrimage from ekstasis to enstasis and from enstasis to ekstasis.

Extracted from The Papyroi of Iakkhos

Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Telete of Arktos

Face the setting of Helios and recite, ΘΗΝΩΡ, O Helios, ΣΑΝΘΗΝΩΡ, I beseech you, lord, may the place and lord of Arktos devote themselves to me.

Face the North and recite, I call upon you, the greatest power in heaven, appointed by the lord god to turn with a strong hand the holy pole, ΝΙΚΑΡΟΠΛΗΞ. Listen to me, hear the holy prayer, you who hold together the universe and bring to life the whole world, ΘΩΖΟΠΙΘΗ ΕΥΧΑΝΔΑΜΑ ΩΧΡΙΕΝΘΗΡ ΟΜΝΥΩΔΕΣ ΧΗΜΙΟΧΥΝΓΗΣ ΙΕΩΥ, ΘΕΡΜΟΥΘΕΡ ΨΙΦΙΡΙΧ ΦΡΟΣΑΛΙ ΚΑΝΘΙΜΕΩ ΖΑΝΖΕΜΙΑ ΩΠΕΡ ΠΕΡΟΜΕΝΗΣ ΡΩΘΙΕΥ ΗΝΙΝΔΕΥ ΚΟΡΚΟΥΝΘΟ ΕΥΜΕΝ ΜΕΝΙ ΚΗΔΕΥΑ ΚΗΠΣΗΟΙ. ΘΩΖΟΠΙΘΗ, Arktos, ruling heaven, reigning over the pole of the stars, highest, beautiful-shining, incorruptible element, composite of the all, all-illuminating, bond of the universe ΑΕΗΙΟΥΩ, you who stand on the pole, you whom the lord god appointed to turn the holy pole with a strong hand, ΘΩΖΟΠΙΘΗ. Arktos, Arktos, you who rule the heaven, the stars, and the whole world. You who make the axis turn and control the whole cosmic system by force and compulsion, holy mover of the cosmos. I appeal to you, imploring and supplicating that you may do…, because I have called upon you with your holy names at which your deity rejoices, names which you are not able to ignore.

Extracted from The Papyroi of Iakkhos

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Concerning the Essence of Time and Space for Ritual Praxis

Time and space is the Α and the Ω for all invocatory gestures. It serves as entity of protection for the Magos, for when the Magos invokes ekstasis there is no advantage in being unable to depart from this highly potent liminal state of ekstasis when the telete has ended. Every act of mageia is a unique moment in time and space, clearly defined from beginning to end and the release of the energeia of mageia requires its own time and space to be condensed in order to manifest the desired effect. 

Extracted from The Papyroi of Iakkhos

Sunday, 9 October 2011

The Invocation and Adoration of Thoth

Thoth, son of Re, Moon, of beautiful rising, lord of appearing, light of the gods, hail to you, moon, Thoth, bull in Khmun, dweller in Hesret, who makes way for the gods! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Who knows the secrets, who records their expression, who distinguishes one speech from another, who is judge of everyone! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Keen-faced in the ship-of-millions, courier of mankind, who knows a man by his utterance, who makes the deed rise against the doer! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Who contents Re, advises the sole lord, lets him know whatever happens; at dawn he summons in heaven, and forgets not yesterday’s report! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Who makes safe the bark of night, makes tranquil the bark of day, with arms outstretched in the bow of the ship. O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Pure-faced when he takes the stern-rope, as the day-bark rejoices in the night-bark’s joy, at the feast of crossing the sky. O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Who fells the fiend, the Ennead in the bark of night worship you lord Thoth, they say to you, Hail, son of Re, praised of Re, whom the gods applaud! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! They repeat what your ka wishes, as you make way for the place of the bark, as you act against that   fiend: you cut off his head, you break his ba, you cast his corpse in the fire, you are the god who slaughters him! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Nothing is done without your knowing, great one, son of a great one, who came from her limbs, champion of Harakhti, wise friend in On, who makes the place of gods, who knows the secrets, expounds their words! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! I give praise to you, Thoth, straight plummet in the scales, who repulses evil, who accepts him who learns not on crime! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! The vizier who settles cases, who changes turmoil to peace; the scribe of the mat who keeps the book, who punishes crime, who accepts the submissive! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Wise among the ennead, who relates what was forgotten. O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Counsellor to him who errs, who remembers the fleeting moment, who reports the hour of night, whose words endure forever, who enter dat, knows those in it and records them in the list! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! Thoth, son of Re, Moon, you who distinguished the tongue of every foreign land, you who recalls all that has been forgotten, you who balances the scales, scribe of the gods, lord of the books, counter of the stars, lord of magic! Hail to you Ibis-headed one, who knows all secrets, great is your word! O Thoth, you I adore, you I invoke! A royal offering to you, Thoth, lord of writing, lord of Khmun, who determines maat, who embarks Re in the bark of night. May you hear your suppliant’s mystic praise.

Extracted from The Papyroi of Iakkhos

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Spell of Blood Red Selene

During the eclipse of blood red Selene sacrifice myrrh and recite, And I, breathing magic spells, potent at the nightly altars, whose chants and conjurations not even cymbals can silence, I who inhabit the sleepy lands below and starry Heavens above, barefoot, my robe unfastened, go forth on my roaming way in the deep stillness of the midnight hour to draw down the blood red visage of Selene. I call upon you, mistress of the entire world, ruler of the entire cosmic system, greatly powerful goddess, gracious daimon, lady of night, who travel through the air, ΦΕΡΟΦΟΡΗ ΑΝΑΘΡΑ ΟΥΘΡΑ. Heed your sacred symbols and give a whirring sound, and give a sacred daimon who serves this very night, in this very hour, ΠΡΟΚΥΝΗ ΒΑΥΒΩ ΦΟΒΕΙΟΥΣ ΜΗΕ, and order the daimon. Mistress, heed my call and send forth your daimon from among those who assist you, one who is leader of night, because I adjure you by your great names, because of which no aerial or infernal daimon can ignore you, ΜΕΣΟΥΡΦΑΒΑΒΟΡ ΒΡΑΛ ΙΗΩ ΙΣΙ Η. Come to me just as I have summoned you, ΟΡΘΩ ΒΑΥΒΩ ΝΟΗΡΕ ΚΟΔΗΡΕ ΣΟΙΡΕ ΣΟΙΡΕ ΕΡΕΣΧΙΓΑΛ ΣΑΝΚΙΣΤΗ ΔΩΔΕΚΑΚΙΣΤΗ ΑΚΡΟΥΡΟΒΟΡΕ ΚΟΔΗΡΕ ΣΑΜΠΣΕΙ; hear my words and send forth your daimon who is appointed over the 1st hour, ΜΕΝΕΒΑΙΝ; and the one over the 2nd hour, ΝΕΒΟΥΝ; and the one over the 3rd hour, ΛΗΜΝΕΙ; and the one over the 4th hour, ΜΟΡΜΟΘ; and the one over the 5th hour, ΝΟΥΦΙΗΡ; and the one over the 6th hour, ΧΟΡΒΟΡΒΑΘ; and the one over the 7th hour, ΟΡΒΕΗΘ; and the one over the 8th hour, ΠΑΝΜΩΘ; and the one over the 9th hour, ΘΥΜΕΝΦΡΙ; and the one over the 10th hour, ΣΑΡΝΟΧΟΙΒΑΛ; and the one over the 11th hour, ΒΑΘΙΑΒΗΛ; and the one over the 12th hour, ΑΡΒΡΑΘΙΑΒΡΙ, so that you may do this for me.

Extracted from The Papyroi of Iakkhos

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Concerning the Consecration of the Esoptron of Horasis of Selene

 The Magoi are to chant ΑΚΤΙΩΦΗΣ until the Thea of Selene begins to manifest from the burning smoke of the Tripous set behind the Maga, their magical Nous becoming one with the holy smoke corresponding to Selene. When the Thea has manifested the Maga in particular is to passionately identify herself with the Thea, seeing and feeling her. She is to beckon the Thea to assume and encompass Her form and become integrated into one. Her movements, thoughts and breathing are to reflect that of the Thea until she comes to the point of experiencing the kosmos as divinity. Upon this moment the Magos is to approach her whispering, from Selene, a peacemaking consonancy, fecundity, the power of generating and growing greater, of increasing and decreasing; a moderate temperance and faith, which being conversant in manifest and occult things, yields direction to all, also motion to the tilling of the Gaia, for the manner of life, and giving growth to itself and others. The Maga is to declare her divinity. She is to rise and take the Esoptron of Horasis in her hands, coat it with the Thysia of the Magoi and bathe it in the radiant light of Selene before setting it upon the Bomos of Selene. 

Extracted from The Papyroi of Iakkhos

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The Naos of Iakkhos Reborn and Transformed

As Above and so Below, the Naos of Iakkhos serves as the primordial cry of the Magos embodying and expressing the Dionysian energeia soaring through the hiera of the kosmos and manifesting in the apokrypha mysteria of the Occult Tradition embracing mageia, mystikismos, theourgia, and thaumatourgia.